Will Android KitKat 4.4.3 Come To The Nexus 5?


You don’t have to search very hard (or long) to find rumors of Android KitKat 4.4.3 coming to the Google Nexus 5. Dozens of media publications and websites have published articles and documents suggesting a new version of the Android operating system is on the horizon for the Nexus 5. Being that we’re about to enter the month of June and there’s still no official word yet on an exact release date, however, many people are wondering if Android 4.4.3 will ever be released.

Originally, reports suggested that Android 4.4.3 would be released in either May or April. Well, I think it’s safe to say this isn’t going to happen, as there’s only a couple of days left in the month of May.  Android 4.4.3 was supposed to receive a universal rollout across the Samsung Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, HTC One and the Google Nexus 5, but now people  are questioning whether this will happen — especially given the fact that May is coming to a close.

Android KitKat 4.4.3 Spotted On The Samsung Galaxy S5

But there’s still a glimmer of hope shining through Android 4.4.3’s clouds of doubt. The website SammyToday.com published a screenshot of the Samsung developers forum, revealing the 4.4.3 build on the Samsung Galaxy S5.

I belive that Samsung is the first OEM to confirm Android KitKat 4.4.3 in official publication. Yes, 4.4.3 is just around the corner,” wrote KRZYSZTOF BRYK of SammyToday.com.

This screenshot all but confirms the rumor that Android KitKat 4.4.3 is coming to the Samsung Galaxy S5. If you own an S5, you are in luck, because you’ll probably be one of the first users to receive the Android 4.4.3 update.

What About The Google Nexus 5?

Now for the million dollar question: is Android KitKat 4.4.3 coming to the Google Nexus 5? I think it’s safe to say the update is coming, but we’ll have to wait a little while longer. A Google employee even noted some of bugs that Android 4.4.3 would fix in the Nexus 5, including poor battery life, camera issues and connectivity loss. When this new version of Android will make its way to the Nexus 5, however, remains to be seen.

Google has their annual I/O Developer Conference scheduled for June 25-26, which could serve as the perfect platform to unveil Android KitKat 4.4.3. In any case, check back with our website here at TheNexus5.com for all of the latest news surrounding the release of Android 4.4.3.

What kind of features, improvements and fixes do you hope to see in Android KitKat 4.4.3? Let us know in the comments section below!

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