Video Shows Nexus 5X ‘Teardown’

nexus 5 imagesIt’s been less than a month since Google unveiled its highly anticipated Nexus 5X smartphone, but people are already tearing them apart. Of course, there’s a good reason for this: the folks at iFixIt want to show just how easy it is to disassemble Google’s newest Android-powered handset.

On the iFixIt website, the Nexus 5X is broken down to reveal the individual components powering the handset. The roughly 4-minute-long video (see video below) walks you through each step of the breakdown, showing exactly how to take apart this otherwise functional smartphone.

Towards the end of the video, iFixIt gives the Nexus 5X a “Repairability” score of 7 out of 10, which is pretty good considering some of the horrible scores that other smartphones have received. According to the video, some of the positive elements associated with the Nexus 5X’s repairability include modular components that can be removed and replaced with ease, as well as the use of standard Phillip’s head screws (I always hate having to remove weird-shaped screws from devices). Some of the negative elements associated with the handset, as noted in the iFixIt video, include a battery that’s difficult to access, as well as a fused display assembly.

Today we’re looking at the Nexus 5X—successor to the Nexus 5 which impressed us with its modular design and ease of access. Will the 5X earn the same high marks? Join us ’round the teardown table as we find out,” wrote iFixIt on its website.

Video: Teardown Nexus 5X

You can watch the full iFixIt teardown of the Nexus 5X by clicking the play button above.

You might be wondering why anyone would break down a perfectly good smartphone, let alone Google’s new Nexus 5X. For starters, many users prefer to fix hardware problems themselves as opposed to sending their smartphone in to the manufacturer or retailer for repairs. If your Nexus 5X has a bad battery, for instance, you can follow the steps outlined in the iFixIt video to access, remove and replace the battery with a new one. Doing so will allow you to keep your Nexus 5X instead of mailing it in — a process that often takes weeks, leaving you without a working mobile device in the meantime.

Another reason why some users break down their smartphones is because the warranty is no longer valid. It’s generally a good idea to send mobile devices into the manufacturer when they are damaged and need repairs. After all, the manufacturer has the tools and expertise to fix them. But what if the phone is no longer under warranty? In this case, you may want to try a DIY fix by taking it apart and repairing the broken component.

Does the Nexus 5X live up to your expectations? Let us know in the comments section below!

Article Name
Video Shows Nexus 5X 'Teardown'
Some users like to be able repair their smartphones instead of returning them to the manufacturer. A new video shows you how to get into a Nexus 5X.

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