T-Mobile Gets Nexus 5 and Offers Financing Option

Two T-Mobile Nexus 5 Deals

It finally happened – T-Mobile has made the Nexus 5 available on its network, and with perfect timing to purchase it and a data plan either outright or with financing right before the holidays. Though you can get Nexus 5 at Google Play for $100 cheaper than you can get it at T-Mobile, there is a three to four week wait before Google Play can even ship it, and lord knows how long it will take to get once it is shipped.

This shipping delay combined with the fact that a great number of people don’t like Sprint for whatever reason makes the T-Mobile Nexus 5 offering a bigger deal than it might normally be – especially since there are no other carrier options at this time.

T-Mobile Nexus 5 Deal 

Nexus 5 on T-Mobile

Nexus 5 on T-Mobile

Nexus 5 is available at all T-Mobile locations, and According to the International Business Times, T-Mobile began selling the Nexus 5 at its stores on November 20.  You can get a 16 GB Nexus 5 for $449.99, and it is available in black only.

While the unlocked version of Nexus 5 16 GB costs $100 more at T-Mobile than it does on Google Play, if you purchase the Nexus 5 direct from T-Mobile you can pay the extra $100 and the rest of the cost with a newly implemented financing plan. Based on credit worthiness, T-Mobile is calling the financing plan the “UNcarrier Plan.”

The T-Mobile credit information explains that the number of lines you can get on a single credit account with T-Mobile is based on your credit worthiness, and that the options shown can help you determine what your estimate cost of purchasing the Nexus 5 would be for each credit profile type. Your final price will of course be based on your actual credit when they run it at time of purchase.

Excellent and Good Credit: If you have excellent credit or good credit, then you will be able to get the Nexus 5 on T-Mobile for a $42 deposit, and $17 per month for 24 months.  T-Mobile defines excellent and good credit based on a positive history, or a previous T-mobile customer in good standing, which means you haven’t had problems paying T-Mobile previously, and your current bills are up to date. This implied that even if you don’t have good credit you still might be able to get the Nexus 5 at this price if you’ve been a good T-Mobile customer previously.

Nexus 5 on T Mobile

Nexus 5 on T-Mobile

Building Credit:  If you are “building credit,” you’ll pay five times that at $221 for the deposit, but because you  put so much down upfront, you’ll pay a cheaper monthly charge of $9.50 for 24 months. T-Mobile defines Building credit as problematic credit with significant issues or if you lack a long credit history, whether it is good or not. Typically, recently established credit is defined as anything less than two years worth of credit activity.

Prepaid: While the site lists a “prepaid option,” T-Mobile is not offering a prepaid Nexus 5.

 Credit & Price Analysis

While having good credit gets you the best up front deal, if you have less than good credit you are still getting a half decent deal upfront because you  don’t have to pay the entire $450.

Whether you have good or not so good credit, these financing options make purchasing the more expensive T-Mobile Nexus 5 an attractive option – especially if you are purchasing multiple devices for people on your holiday list, or if you are just looking to save some money for the holidays.

On the other hand, if you already bought your Nexus 5 from Google Play, you can still go to T-Mobile to activate it if you haven’t already with Sprint. Just keep in mind that any Nexus 5 purchased or activated requires a two year contract, and the purchase of a “SIM Starter Kit,” for $10.

Will you be purchasing or activating a Nexus 5 on T-Mobile? Let us know below!

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