T-Mobile Announces The Release of Android 4.4.3 on Nexus 5, and It’s TODAY!



It’s been a long time in the making, but it appears that Nexus 5 owners may soon get their hands on Android 4.4.3 — at least for T-Mobile users. We’ve seen dozens of documents and screenshots hinting at a release for the new Android KitKat 4.4.3, but nothing official. Earlier today. however, official documents posted on T-Mobile’s website reveal a new KTU84M build is underway, and it’s going to happen TODAY.

Granted, T-Mobile has not officially begun the rollout of Android KitKat 4.4.3 (as of writing this blog post), but you can expect it to occur at some point today. The documents published on the U.S. cell carrier’s website reveals the highly anticipated version of Android KitKat will hit Nexus 5 devices today, June 2, 2014.

Unfortunately, there are no other details regarding the specifications of this Android 4.4.3 other than “security enhancements” and “various bug fixes.” While I think it’s safe to say Android 4.4.3 will plug some security holes in the Nexus 5’s operating system, it will also open up several new features.

Learn how to check the software version and see official versions for the Google Nexus 5. Find out more on this page: Beginning June 2, the Nexus 5 received a software update to Android 4.4.3/ Build version KTU84M. This update provides features and improvements:

What kind of improvements and changes can you expect to see in your Nexus 5 following the Android KitKat 4.4.3 update? We really don’t know too much about this update, other than T-Mobile’s plans to release it today. Google has stated in the past that they hope to fix some of the problems that currently plague the Nexus 5 with Android 4.4.3, such as poor battery life, camera performance and dropped network connectivity. Whether or not these changes will be implemented, however, remains to be seen.

Note: the Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 will also receive an update to Android 4.4.3, according to the documents posted by T-Mobile.

Learn how to check the software version and see official versions for the Google Nexus 4. Find out more on this page: Beginning June 2, the Nexus 4 received a software update to Android 4.4.3/ Build version KTU84L. This update provides features and improvements.

Being that today is reportedly the official launch day for Android 4.4.3 on T-Mobile’s Nexus 5, we’ll be sure to bring you all of the latest news. So if you aren’t one of the lucky T-Mobile customers who receives this update today, check back with our blog for more details.

Are you amped and ready to update your Nexus 5 to Android 4.4.3? Let us know in the comments section below!

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