Nexus 5 Specs Leaked Plus: Was Nexus 5 at Google+ Event?

The Rumored Nexus 5 Announcement that Wasn’t

Gotta Be Mobile announced that today was probably the day that Google would announce the Nexus 5 because Google promoted the “Morning with Google +” event – held live at 12:30 EST today on Google + – using #momentsthatmatter.

Apparently, the moments that matter phrase doesn’t (matter) because the only thing that Google talked about at the Google + event was… Wait for it… wait for it… Google +.


Morning with Google plus

No Nexus 5 announcement means thousands of disappointed fans.

Though it is nice to have hopes and dreams, it is truly beyond our comprehension how a Google + update turns into a Nexus 5 announcement because of a hashtag.  Talk about conspiracy theory…

Well, according to Android Police, Canadian wireless carrier Wind Mobile made a Nexus 5 pre-registration page live on its Facebook page this morning (oops, it is gone now). The page contained the phrase,

“Google Nexus 5. The smart, new phone made to capture Moments that Matter.” (Emphasis added.)

Alone, this page didn’t’ mean anything, except that fans could sign up to receive Nexus 5 information when Google made it available finally.

Couple the Wind Mobile Facebook page phrase with the hashtag Google used to promote the Google+ live event – #momentsthatmatter – and you get a conspiracy theory about an announcement for a device that’s been leaked every which way you can imagine.

That’s why GBM put the two together and assumed it meant that Google executives would announce the Nexus 5 smartphone evne though Google was clear in its statement that the Morning with Google + would be just that – a morning with Google + and its new features.

In any case, Wind Mobile has removed the pre-registration page, and probably for a good reason – that being that neither Google nor LG have actually made the phone an official device yet.

Look on the bright side…

If the Wind mobile Facebook pre-registration page is true to the device, then the major specifications we thought Nexus 5 would offer are spot on and include:

  • A 4.95-inch screen with a 1920-pixel by 1080-pixel resolution at 445 pixels per inch
  • One front facing 1.3 megapixek and one rear facing 8 megapixel camera and image stabilization
  • Google Kit-Kat operating system
  • Snapdragon 800 2.3GHz quad-core CPU –

The phrase, “told you so,” is harsh, so instead we’ll say that  “we figured as much,” though we’re wondering what is with all the recent leaks of late.

Although the Android Kit-Kat website has been ready for people to sign up for information when Google makes it available for a few days now, there’s been no word about the Nexus 5 smartphone except for the Google Play leak, the Wind Mobile Leak, and a Google Employee who stated that officially speaking Nexus 5 doesn’t exist.

No wonder the Nexus 5 rumors have kicked into overdrive in the last few days. It’s a shame that with each day that passes, a Halloween Nexus 5 release date looks less likely.

When do you think Nexus 5 will be available? Let us know in the comments!    

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