Nexus 5 Sold Out in Minutes – Delivery Pushed Back a Month

Google Should Have Anticipated the Demand Better

Plus: A Peak at the Engadget Nexus 5 Unboxing

How does the following scenario sound to you? The day you’ve been waiting or since the very first rumor about the Nexus 5 surfaced early this year finally came, and you caught wind that the Nexus 5 is finally available from Google and LG.

Google Nexus 5 not availableBecause you have been waiting months to get your hands on one, you head right over to Google Play and order the version you want, either the Nexus 5 16 GB in Black or White, or 32 GB. You try to add the Nexus 5 to your cart, but then you see a tiny little alert message that catches your eye. You read it and your heart sinks.

Google won’t ship Nexus 5 for at least three weeks, and maybe not even for five weeks or longer depending on when you place your order.  

Nexus 5 Sold Out in Minutes

In fact, Nexus 5 16 GB Black was sold out within the first hour of official availability, and that was only after its deliver period slipped back to a week or longer after only minutes of being available – minutes.

Google was well aware of the demand for the device, especially considering the company created it with its well timed leaks to hype up the product.  Because of the obvious demand, one might think that Google would have planned for it and manufactured more Nexus 5 units than it did.

Unfortunately, either Google is really off on its supply and demand calculations, or the company is trying to get people angry on purpose.

Each day that passes, Google slips the estimated delivery period back another week.

Nexus 5 not available for 4 weeks

Nexus 5 16 GB delivery pushed back to a month

Google started pushing back the delivery schedule after barely an hour after the Nexus 5 was made available. Today, no matter which model you choose, and no matter how much you pay for it – or when – you have to wait even longer to get yours.

Want to Get Someone a Nexus 5 for the Holidays?

Though you can get the 32 GB in about four weeks, if you order the Nexus 5 16 GB, you’ll be lucky if you get one the week before Christmas, and it could take longer.

While waiting to receive the Nexus 5 won’t be a problem for most people, with the way Google keeps pushing back the “leaving warehouse” dates, the chances are good that if you order after this week, you probably won’t get your Nexus until after Christmas.

This is forcing strapped families with a tech junkie on their list to fork over their cash sooner, or be left in the cold without their intended Christmas gift.

While we applaud Google for making the Nexus 5 such a feature rich and usable phone, Google dropped the ball with this availability and delivery blunder.

What you’ve Been Waiting for – The Unboxing 

All the tech experts – including us – have given you a rundown of the Nexus 5 feature availability, the Kit-Kat operating system, and the price. At a Nexus 5 unboxing held by Engadget, you can see that the box is just as beautiful as the phone is. Check it out:

Though the reviewer had a bit of trouble with getting it to power up, considering it had never been charged before, its understandable that it took more than a minute to do so.

To date, everyone who has had a chance to review the Nexus 5 has said that it is one of the best pure Google phones ever made to date. Even though the reviewer on the video had trouble with it, as you can see in the video above – and it  apparently froze when trying to unlock it or use the apps the first time – the Nexus 5 is much more popular than ever Google anticipated.

We’ll show you a more in depth Nexus 5 unboxing and hands on with the device on Wednesday, but for now…

Let us know what you think about Google’s lack of available Nexus 5 devices for delivery in the comments! 

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