Nexus 5 Hits India While US Gets Nexus 5 Accessories

Nexus 7 Hits India Too – Plus, Nexus 5 Wireless Charger 

Nexus 5 Front

Nexus 5 Front

We have a few tidbits for you today regarding the Nexus 5. Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 were released in India this week, and some new Nexus 5 accessories became available in Google Play.

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, having accessories available is a good thing, isn’t it?

Nexus 5 Hits Google Play India

According to The Times of India, both the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 made it to India this week. Here’s how the prices break down if purchased from Google Play India:

  • Nexus 5 16 GBis available for Rs 28,999
  • Nexus 5 32 GB is available for Rs 32,999
  • The Wi-Fi 16 GB Nexus 7 is available for Rs 20,999
  • The 32 GB Wi-Fi Nexus 7 costs Rs 23,999
  • A 32 GB LTE Nexus 7 costs Rs 27,999

There is no LTE version of the 16 GB Nexus 7. just as the U.S. retailers price their devices higher Indian retailers will carry the same devices for about Rs 1,000 more than for what Google Play is offering them.

Nexus 5 Accessories Available

To date, you couldn’t buy Nexus 5 accessories unless you purchased them from Amazon and other retailers, which can sometimes be very expensive. Google Play has finally started selling some Nexus 5 accessories and while the selection isn’t huge, it is expected to expand before Black Friday.

Red Nexus 5 Bumper Case

Red Nexus 5 Bumper Case via Google Play

Currently available are two Nexus 5 bumper cases, one in Bright Red and one Bright Yellow, while Black and Grey bumper cases cases are “coming soon.” All cases cost $34.99 each.

The Nexus Wireless Charger is also available from Google Play for $49.99.

Thee beauty of this charger is that it is universal, so it fits all your Nexus devices including the Nexus 4, Nexus 5, and nexus 7, and no doubt it would fit the Nexus 10 2 that’s rumored to be out before or on Black Friday.

Google states the Nexus Wireless Charger will leave the warehouse in about two business days.

Nexus 5 16 GB Restocked But…

Speaking of Nexus 5 and Google Play, they’ve finally restocked the Nexus 5, and it is available for sale again. However, it’s got a similar delivery time as before – currently stated as “ships in three to four weeks,” while the 32 GB Nexus 5 ships by December 3.

That means if you were purchase Nexus 5 right this minute, you might get it delivered by December 10 at the earliest, and December 17 at the latest. If you have any hope of getting it for someone as a holiday gift, and you want to save the $100 plug by purchasing at Google Play, then you’ll need to buy it no later than December 2 for the three week wait, and no later than November 30 for the four week wait.

If Google pushes the delivery times back to five weeks again, a holiday Nexus 5 from Google Play would be impossible. We’ll post an update when and if the delivery schedules change.

Do you plan on a Nexus 5 for the holidays? Let us know in the comments!

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