New Rumors Emerge Surrounding the 2015 Nexus 5

11083955366_88910b7b4b_bWe first broke the story of possible 2015-edition Nexus 5 last month, citing unnamed sources that claim Huawei is producing the device. Of course, this was welcomed news for Nexus 5 users who’ve been hoping to see another device released. However, we now have additional details regarding the 2015 Nexus 5, and it’s somewhat surprising.

Before we reveal the new Nexus 5 rumors, let’s first take a look back at the history of the original Nexus 5. Google released the original Nexus 5 on October 31, 2013, competing directly with the Galaxy S4 and similar smartphones. While there was some initial criticism regarding Google’s decision to launch yet another smartphone (it had launched the Nexus 4 the year prior), these fears were soon laid to rest as the Nexus 5 was well-received from users and critics alike.

Just last year, Google launched three new Nexus devices: the Nexus Player, a new Nexus 9 tablet, and the Nexus 6 (the successor to the Nexus 5). The Nexus 6 has received mostly positive reviews since then, with critics praising Google’s latest smartphone for featuring superb hardware. Of course, others were not so pleased, as the Nexus 6 costs considerably more than its predecessor, and it’s much larger — almost too large to comfortably in your pocket. At nearly 6 full inches, the Nexus 6 is comparable to a standard 7-inch tablet, whereas the Nexus 5 looks and feels like the right size at 5.95 inches.

Some of the earliest rumors we began to hear surrounding the new Nexus 5 was that Google was actually producing two devices: a Nexus 5 and Nexus 6. Google confirmed, and later released, the Nexus 6, but we didn’t hear anything from the Mountain View company about the next-generation Nexus 5.

According to a recent report published by the Korean news agency eToday, however, Google is in fact working on a new Nexus 5, which is expected to be released later this year. Furthermore, eToday claims that it will not be manufactured by Huawei, but instead LG will produce the device. This is in stark contrast to previous rumors; however, it only makes sense for LG to produce the 2015 Nexus 5 because it produced the Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 (Motorola produced the Nexus 6).

There’s still no official name announced for the Nexus 6, as rumors suggest Google is calling it the “‘N000.” In the meantime, you can check back with our site here at for all of the latest news surrounding the upcoming 2015 Nexus 5.

What kind of features do you hope to see in the 2015 Google Nexus 5? Let us know in the comments section below!

Article Name
New Rumors Emerge Surrounding The 2015 Nexus 5
We have new details regarding the 2015 Nexus 5. According to a recent report, Google is working on a new Nexus 5, which is expected to be released later this year. Furthermore, eToday claims that it will not be manufactured by Huawei, but instead LG will produce the next-generation Nexus 5.

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