Latest Leaked Images Reveal Nexus 5’s ‘Final Form’

Nexus-5-android-pitWe’ve published numerous concept images and leaked photos of Google’s secretive Nexus 5 reboot handset. But we’ve yet to find the handset in its final form, at least up until now.

The folks at AndroidPit recently published a photo of the new Nexus 5, describing it as the “final form.” While we don’t know the source of this Nexus 5 final form image, AndroidPit said it came from a “trusted source.” The photo (see image to the right) depicts the rear of a white-colored handset that’s labeled “Nexus,” complete with a protruding camera, LED flash, and possibly a fingerprint scanner. It’s important to note that Google has not verified the authenticity of this final form image, so it there’s a chance it could be a hoax. Given AndroidPit’s positive track record of publishing accurate images and details about upcoming handsets, however, it’s safe to assume this photo is the real deal.

The moment has finally arrived: we can now confirm the final design of the 2015 LG Nexus, which we have been calling the Nexus 5 (2015), for want of a better name, since January,” wrote AndroidPit. “A trusted source has supplied AndroidPIT with the following image which shows the new Nexus by LG in its final form

You might be surprised to learn that the original Nexus 5 was almost designed with a fingerprint scanner. Reports indicate that Google was on board with the idea of implementing a fingerprint scanner into the rear of the Nexus 6; however, Motorola was forced to scrap the idea when it was unable to locate a reliable supplier. In an interview with The Telegraph, Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside explained that Apple has signed an exclusive deal with the world’s largest supplier of fingerprint scanning hardware, leaving his company stuck between a rock and a hard place. Motorola ended up cancelling the fingerprint scanner for the Nexus 6.

But the new Nexus 5 reboot may bring the fingerprint scanner back to Android. If you keep up with our blog here at, you are probably well aware of recent rumors indicating that Google’s highly anticipated Nexus 5 handset will sport a fingerprint scanner. In fact, this was one of the earliest features to be revealed. Up until recently, though, it was just a rumor and nothing more. Now that AndroidPit has published a final form of the Nexus 5, we can see that it DOES include a fingerprint scanner.

So, what will the new Nexus 5’s fingerprint scanner be used for? One way in which owners can use the fingerprint scanner is by unlocking device. Rather than using a PIN or gesture swipe, users can simply press their finger to the sensor, at which point Android will cross-reference their fingerprint with a fingerprint on file, checking to see if they match. Fingerprint scanning may also allow users to purchase retail products and services via the near-field communications (NFC) payment app Android Pay.

Do you prefer the LG or Huawei Nexus 5 (2015)? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Latest Leaked Images Reveal Nexus 5's 'Final Form'
Finally, what we can assume is a legitimate image of the LG 2015 Nexus 5 - it shows a possible fingerprint scanner, protruding camera and LED flash.

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