Google May Replace Cracked Screens on Nexus 5


Here’s a scenario to consider: your brand-new Google Nexus 5 finally arrives in the mail. You take it out of the box, set up your Google account, and then all of a sudden it slips from your hands, sending your new smartphone tumbling to the ground below. You cross your fingers, hoping the fall didn’t cause any serious damage, but then you notice the screen is cracked.

Thousands of Nexus 5 owners have experienced cracked screens. Whether it’s from dropping it in the parking lot, knocking it against a piece of furniture, or tapping the screen with Hulk-like force, there’s a very real possibility of cracking the screen. When this occurs, most users either purchase a new Nexus 5 or use the services of a local cellphone repair shop. Before you resort to either of these options, however, you should consider sending your device to Google for repairs.

According to an article published by TechCrunch, Google recently updated its warranty policy to include coverage on accidental damage. Up until now, Nexus 5 users were typically forced to pay for repairs to damage such as cracked screens — be it accidental or intentional. With the average cost of a replacement screen ranging anywhere from $100-$150 bucks, though, this wasn’t exactly preferable for owners. But now Google is offering a one-time deal in which users can send in their damaged Nexus 5 devices in exchanged for a fully functional device.

There are a few basic criteria users must meet in order to take advantage of Google’s new replacement policy. For starters, the damaged Nexus 5 must have been purchased directly through Google Play. If you bought your device through Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, or any other non-Google vendor, you won’t be able to take advantage of this new service. The replacement service is only good for one year from the date of which you purchased the device. Again, if your Nexus 5 is older than one year, you can’t use this service.

It’s important to note that this is a one-time offer, meaning you can’t send in your new device for repairs. The Nexus 5 you’ll receive will be a refurbished model, which may turn some users away. However, its factory refurnished directly from Google, so you can rest assured knowing that it’s fully functional and meets all of Google’s strict criteria.

Do you have a Nexus 5 with a cracked screen? We’d love to hear your story in the comments section below!

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