Another Nexus 5 Release Date Rumor Plus: Kit-Kat is Official

Another day is here, and we’ve got yet another Nexus 5 release date rumor for you. Isn’t it interesting how these days it seems as if we can’t go a day or two without another rumored release date for the anticipated Google branded gadget?

Oh yeah – Google Android finally released official information on Kit-Kat today, and we’re here to tell you that the website is beautiful.

First up – Today’s Nexus 5 Rumored Release Date

Nexus 5 rendered via Android Police

Nexus 5 Photo Credit: Android Police

Today’s Nexus 5 release date rumor comes to us courtesy of Canadian tech news site MobileSyrup, which states that their editors received a tip that the Google Nexus 5 will be officially released on Google Play to U.S. audiences on October 31, and to Canadian audiences sometime around November 7 or 8. The MobileSyrup report says that

What’s interesting about this rumor in particular is that it places the unofficial official launch on Halloween, which is a day later than the most recent rumors hitting the mill have placed it. How much of a difference can one day make on a mobile device release? Well, it depends, really, on what exactly the maker hopes to gain from the release other than increased sales and popularity.

You see, when something – an electronic gadget, a movie, or anything really – gets released on a holiday, that item eventually turns into a collector’s item. Attaching the words “collector item” to something typically makes it more valuable and in tech world, more valuable means more expensive and a huge demand. Making the Nexus 5 a collector’s item would surely set it apart from its competition, not to mention Nexus predecessors.

Could this be what Google is trying to do for Nexus 5?

Whether Google has such plans or not is, as we said already, only speculation. Given how the stars align and all (joking) we think it could be possible simply because of Kit-Kat is one of the most popular Halloween candies around. What better way to celebrate the popular holiday candy is there then by releasing the candy-branded Android Kit-Kat mobile OS on an equally popular Nexus Smartphone then to do it on the biggest candy holiday of the year?

Kit-Kat Website Ready to Go

Android Kit-KatSpeaking of Kit-Kat, the Android Kit-Kat website is truly a work of art. It details each Android release from Cupcake all the way until Kit-Kat and includes what makes each version of Android so special. It’s a parallax style website, and at the bottom Kit-Kat is featured, where Google states:

“It’s our goal with Android KitKat to make an amazing Android experience available for everybody.”

It then asks users to sign up to receive information as soon as it is released, though you have to scroll a bit more to get at that big blue button to do so.

Although there’s no mention of an official release date yet, we have a feeling it will be soon – same as the Nexus 5, as per the reason outlined above.

Something Different is on the Way

In any case, because we seem to hear a Nexus 5 release date rumor at least every other day or so, we thought we’d keep it interesting. That’s why in our next post, we’ll publish the results of a release date rumor roundup we’ve been working on. It will include every known rumored Nexus 5 release date and leak so we can track the evolution of the rumors over the previous 10 months – yes, they really do go back that far, so you know it’ll be more than worth the read.

We’ve got some great stories on the way, so don’t forget to come back every day or so to check them out. Alternatively, you can subscribe to receive updates in your inbox as soon as we publish them.

 What do you think about the Android Kit-Kat website? Do you think Halloween is a viable release date for both Nexus 5 and Kit-Kat? Let us know in the comments below!



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