Android 4.4.4 Problems Plague Nexus 5 Users

android_mobileIt’s been two months since Google released its highly anticipated Android 4.4.4 KitKat update to Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, and Nexus 10 users. While most people were expecting a solid update that fixes issues like dropped connectivity and poor battery life, the update failed to address the bulk of the problems. So, is there any hope on the horizon for Nexus 5 users? Google did an excellent job with the release of Android 4.4.3. It was released just weeks prior to 4.4.4, fixing security vulnerabilities while introducing a new dialer app. This update didn’t solve the problems that so many users were complaining about, however, so the Mountain View company pushed to lay the finishing touches on Android 4.4.4 KitKat. But Nexus users continue to report problems on their the Nexus 5, even after updating to Android 4.4.4 KitKat. According to, the bulk of the complaints come from Nexus 5 users. Of course, this could be because the Nexus 5 is the most popular and widely used Nexus device, or it could be a sign that it’s suffering the most from persistent, unaddressed problems and bugs. So, what kind of bugs are Nexus 5 users reporting? Arguably, the most common complaint is poor battery life. It’s difficult for users to enjoy their device when they are forced to keep it plugged into a wall outlet 24/7. Some users have noted success, however, by operating their device in Safe Mode. Assuming the battery drain is caused by a third-party program and not a Google application, this should fix it.  You can also check the power settings on your device to see which apps and processes are drawing the most power. Android 4.4.4 KitKat also created some new problems, including a GPS error. Again, the recommended fix for this problem is to set your Nexus 5 to Safe Mode and reattempt to launch the GPS. If it works, the problem is caused by a third-party app. If it doesn’t work, you may need to perform a factory reset. Connectivity issues are another concern for Nexus 5 users. Whether it’s dropped calls or lost WiFi signals, users are reporting a slew of connectivity issues. Unfortunately, there’s no easy or quick fix for this scenario. Until Google releases a new Android update that actually solves these connectivity problems, Nexus users are forced to deal with them. Have you experienced any of these problems in Android 4.4.4? Let us know in the comments section below!

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