Android 4.4.4 Now Available For Google Nexus 5


I know what you’re probably thinking: didn’t Google just release Android KitKat 4.4.3 for the Nexus 5? Yes, the Big G recently rolled out its Android 4.4.3 update across the Nexus 5 and several other devices. Among other things, this built brought a new dialer interface while adding photos to contacts. In a move that no one predicted, however, Google followed up with yet another update, Android 4.4.4 for the Nexus 5.

The new Android 4.4.4 update is available for the Google Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and even the company’s older flagship smartphone, the Nexus 4. Sascha Prüter firs broke the story of Android 4.4.4 by announcing it on his Google+ page. “Locked and loaded! #KTU84P,” wrote the Google Android engineer. Just minutes after posting, people everywhere were talking about the new Android update and why exactly Google launched it. After all, Android KitKat 4.4.3 has only been around for a week, so why did Google feel the need to release yet another update?

If your Nexus 5 did not update to Android 4.4.4 automatically, you can perform a manual install by downloading the files from Upon accessing the site, scroll down to the download area “Factory Images “hammerhead” for Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE)” Click on the download link for 4.4.4 (KTU84P), which is the latest build, and follow the instructions published to update your Nexus 5 to Android 4.4.4.

Now let’s get back to the question that’s probably on your mind: what changes can expect to see in Android 4.4.4? To  say details are scarce about this secretive update would be an understatement. There’s virtually no information regarding what Android 4.4.4 aims to achieve. However, Cnet reports that Android 4.4.4 is a “minor” update with various security patches and vulnerability fixes. More specifically, the article published at Cnet suggests the previous version of Android, 4.4.3, experienced the CVE-2014-0224 flaw, or what’s also known as the Heartbleed bug.

You aren’t going to see any major features added to your Nexus 5 after downloading and installing Android 4.4.4. On the flipside, though, it reportedly fixes some critical security flaws. The bottom line is that you should always upgrade your device to the latest OS version, and Android 4.4.4 is no exception.

In the rare event that Android 4.4.4 does not run properly on your Nexus 5, you can always downgrade to a previous model by installing one of the older versions from the Google Developers page.

What do you think about Android 4.4.4? Let us know in the comments section below!

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