Android 4.4.3 Update Revealed In a Recent Changelog


A recent Android changlog reveals codenames “Molly” and “Flounder”

I think it’s safe to say that most Nexus 5 owners — including myself — are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Android 4.4.3. Google has promised to fix some of the issues that currently plaque its popular line of smartphones, such as battery drain, camera, and WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity, but they’ve yet to announce a specific release date for the new OS version.

Android Changelog Reveals Android 4.4.3

While Google has yet to provide us any details regarding the Android 4.4.3 or its release, the Mountain View company acknowledged it in a recent Android changelog on its server. The changelog (AKA maintenance report), details all changes, big and small, that were made to the Android 4.4.2 operating system since its release last year.

One rather surprising line on the now-deleted Android changelog reads:

7503e73 4.4.3 is MR2, version boogaloo!

According to Android junkies, this seemingly ordinary line hints to the release of the Android 4.4.3 OS. I wouldn’t call this rock-hard evidence by any means, but it’s something that signals to the release of a new Android version.

When Will Android 4.4.3 Be Released?

This is something that we still don’t know, but rumors circulating around the Internet suggest Google will release Android 4.4.3 in the near future — possibly in May or June. Maximus HD Rom developer @LlabTooFeR tweeted the following message on March 24:

“Android 4.4.3 is under testing. Build number is KTU72B. Probably it will fix known camera bug.”

Google usually does a pretty good job at releasing new Android builds in a timely manner. In fact, I’m  kind of surprised it’s taken the company this long to finish Android 4.4.3. As the saying goes, though: good things come to those who wait. I’ll gladly wait another month if that means Google will fix the Nexus 5’s battery and camera problems.

“Molly” and “Flounder” Discovered In Changelog

Rumors are buzzing as to what codenames “Molly” and “Flounder” refer to. These two codenames were discovered in the same Android changelog mentioned earlier. Some people believe Molly is an upcoming television service being offered by Google, while Flounder could be a new Android-based HTC tablet or smartphone (tablet most plausible scenario). When the Nexus 7 was released in 2012, Google gave it to the codename “Grouper.”

What features do you hope to see in the upcoming Android 4.4.3 update? Let us know in the comments section below!

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