New Nexus 5 To Launch With Android M

Google’s upcoming Nexus 5 reboot may run Android M instead of Android Lollipop, according to various sources.

Android M was unveiled at this year’s annual I/O developer conference, during which Google touted its latest mobile operating system (OS) as being superior to its predecessor. Android M will reportedly deliver longer battery life, enhanced security, fingerprint support, new voice controls, and a new near-field communications (NFC) payment method called Android Pay. All of these features certainly sound nice, but when will we see a handset actually running the Android M OS?

It may come sooner rather than later, as rumors indicate that Google is planning to launch its new 2015 edition Nexus 5 with Android M. The tech enthusiast website GeekSnack cited an unnamed source, claiming the new Nexus and Android M will have a “joint launch.” Assuming this information is correct, the Nexus 5 reboot will most likely ship with Android M.

There’s no doubt that the Nexus 5 2015, as it is being called in the rumors’ netherworld, will be the flagship device to show off Android M (which some are calling Macadamia, Marshmallow and my personal favorite, Muffin),” wrote the folks at GeekSnack. “…our source did confirm that at least the joint launch of the new Nexus and Android M is a sure thing. But whether the new Nexus will actually be the Nexus 5 2015, with inspiration from the more popular Nexus of them all, is still a bit of a mystery.”

It only makes sense for Google to ship the new Nexus 5 with Android M. After all, the Nexus 5 is its flagship smartphone, and there’s no better way to show off the capabilities of it than by pairing it with the latest version of Android. Lollipop has been great, but Google is constantly raising the bar with its Android operating system. Looking at the early features, it sounds like Android M will be a game-changer for smartphones, introducing several new features and technology that’s not found in previous versions of Android.

Of course, this is still a rumor at this point in time, and neither Google nor LG or Huawei have confirmed a joint launch with Android and the Nexus 5. The new Nexus 5 may ship with Lollipop, or it may ship with Android M. We still don’t know at this time. Hopefully, Google will choose the latter option, shipping the new Nexus 5 with its latest Android M OS.

When can we expect to see the Nexus 5 available for sale? Again, this is a question that remains unanswered. However, sources say the most plausible release date for the new Nexus 5 is October-November. This would fall in suit with previous Nexus handsets, which were released around this time of year, and it would allow Google to earn those critical holiday sales, further boosting the popularity of the new Nexus 5.

Are you looking forward to the new Nexus 5? Let us know in the comments section below!

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New Nexus 5 To Launch With Android M
Google unveiled its newest O/S, 'Android M' recently and rumor has it that the new 2015 Nexus 5 will ship with 'M.'

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