This Is Why Google Chose a Large Screen For The Nexus 6

Nexus-6The Nexus 6 is the perfect definition of a phablet. With its 5.96-inch display boasting 1440 x 2560 pixels, it delivers an incredibly picture that’s comfortable to view and use. But some people are criticizing the Mountain View company for including such a large screen in its upcoming flagship smartphone. After all, the Nexus 5 featured a 4.95-inch display, which is plenty big enough for the average user. So, why did Google chose to use a 5.96-inch display in the Nexus 6?

During a keynote session from Japan, Google’s Eric Schmidt revealed some insight into the company’s decision to include such a large display in the Nexus 6. According to Schmidt, there’s a growing demand for smartphones with large screens, as many people use it as their primary computer. Google is hoping to capitalize on this trend by delivering a device that’s both a mobile handset and computer featuring an oversized display.

Asia will be the new market for this new (mobile only) change. The demand for smartphones with larger screens in on the rise as for most first-time smartphone buyers; it is there only computer. So, the industry needs to design products accordingly,” said Google Executive chairman Eric Schmidt.

A large screen doesn’t come without a cost, however. The new Nexus 6 is priced considerably higher than its predecessor, at $649 for the 32GB model and $699 for the 64GB model. The Nexus 5, on the other hand, is priced at just $349 for the 16GB model and $399 for the 32GB model. The steep increase in price has already turned away many loyal Nexus users, but unfortunately Google doesn’t appear to be budging on the price.

Surprisingly, Eric Schmidt also said he prefers the Nexus 5 over the Nexus 6. “I personally prefer the Nexus 5 and feel that the Nexus 6 is a big phone, but then big phones are the future,” said Schmidt. It’s pretty uncommon for a company’s executive to publicly state he or she prefers an older model over a new one. This statement further attests to the questionable practices leading up to the release of the Nexus 6. Is the Nexus 6 too large? Is it priced too high? It it slower than the Nexus 5? These are just a few of the concerns users have expressed regarding Google’s upcoming, oversized phablet.

Do you think the Nexus 6 is too big? Let us know in the comments section below!

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